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How to set up a delivery address in Taobao

Choose a province
1. Click on 省 (province) and select 广东省 (Cantonese).
Choose a city
2. Click on 市 (city) and select 广州市 (Guangzhou).
Select area
3. Click on 区 (District) and select 白云区 (Baiyun).
Choose a road
4. Click on 街道 (Road) and select 永平街道 (Yongping).
Fill in address details
5. Copy the information below and fill in the fields as in the example below. 详细地址 (address details) : 元下田丛云路 815 号首层 AA1 PT 仓库 (客户代码- VP______) 邮政编码 (postal code) : 510440 收货人姓名 (name of recipient) : VP______/黄汉 Customer service (contact number): 中国大陆 +86 - 18617373118